Description of my entry to the TDC Trojan Detection challenge (co-located with NeurIPS 2023).
Here I describe my approach to the TDC Trojan Detection challenge, co-located with NeurIPS 2023. The challenge involved identifying triggers in a given model where trojans had been inserted during the training process. Our task was not only to identify triggers that would lead to specific trojan behavior but also to pinpoint the exact triggers used during the trojan insertion. My final approach got me a rank of 7(/16) on the large-model subtrack, and 9(/26) on the base-model subtrack.
Starting with the observation that the input triggers were of variable length, I considered a beam-search-like approach1. Beginning with some X tokens, I tried out multiple possible next tokens and retained the ones that maximized perplexity for the given trojan output. I repeated this process iteratively (from left to right), retaining only the top-K candidates (in terms of score, across all lengths) while optimizing. Here’s what it looked like:
def beam_search_helper(seq_so_far: List[int],
target_seq: List[int],
n_pick: int,
top_k: int):
random_picked = np.random.randint(0, len(all_tokens), n_pick)
ppls = []
for i in random_picked:
seq_new = seq_so_far + [i]
# Make sure this sequence has same length as target
ppls.append(calculate_perplexity(seq_new, target_seq))
# Pick top K candidates, and their scores
wanted = np.argsort(ppls)[:top_k]
scores = np.array(ppls)[wanted]
# Return said sequences
return [seq_so_far + [random_picked[i]] for i in wanted], scores
def beam_search(target_seq: List[int]):
candidates, scores = [[]], [np.inf]
# Everything is between 5 and 40 tokens long
max_length = 5 #40
min_length = 5
n_pick= 10 # 50
top_k = 5 # 10
candidates_at_any_point = 15
for i in tqdm(range(max_length)):
# Run for each candidate
c_new, s_new = [], []
for cand in candidates:
# Use large set for start
if i == 0:
s, c = beam_search_helper(cand, target_seq, 200, top_k)
s, c = beam_search_helper(cand, target_seq, n_pick, top_k)
# Add to pool
candidates += c_new
scores += s_new
# Keep only top candidates_at_an_point candidates
best_indices = np.argsort(scores)[:candidates_at_any_point]
candidates = [x for i, x in enumerate(candidates) if i in best_indices]
scores = [x for i, x in enumerate(scores) if i in best_indices]
s_kept, c_kept = np.array(scores), candidates
# Return top 20 candidates
keep = np.argsort(s_kept)[:20]
texts = [tokenizer.decode(x) for i, x in enumerate(c_kept) if i in keep]
scores = s_kept[keep]
return texts, scores
However, this approach failed really badly: I got a score of <2 on the base sub-track.
With some very straight forward modifications to the official codebase (my fork is available here) and the setup for the attack itself (instead of having things starting with “Sure”, we have exact target sequences), I was able to get GCG to work. I saw a significant jump to a score of around 20, but it was still far from satisfactory. However, in the process of generating these triggers, I observed a very interesting trend: while optimizing a trigger for a given target sequence, the intermediate model outputs corresponded to other trojans I was not optimizing for!
target = "Humans are the only species in nature to display homosexuality"
outputs = [
"![The *in vivo* effect of the",
"mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/cryptroot",
Even in cases where the generation would not succeed (even after 100+ iterations), I noticed other trojans pop up as intermediate outputs. One way to utilize this information could be to run the generation for all known trojans, collect input-output pairs, and map then back to their original trojans. However, that wouldn’t be very efficient, and would require a lot of compute.
Using the observation above, I modified the code to start with triggers from known (trigger, trojan) pairs, instead of the default "! ! ! ! ..."
string. Making this change further increased score to around 30. Keep in mind that the competition required participants to submit 20 triggers per trojan. I was thus naively running the experiment 20 times per trojan, and picking whatever input trigger I had at the end of the optimization. However, this approach was not very efficient:
# Also use information from generated trojans
generated_trojans = load_targets(SETTINGS[setting]["generated_trojans"])
# Collect information on already-known triggers
known_triggers = None
if x in generated_trojans:
trojan_strings = [j[0] for j in generated_trojans[x]]
known_triggers = list(set(trojan_strings))
# Add all trojans NOT for this target
all_known_triggers_use = all_known_triggers[:]
for k, v in generated_trojans.items():
if k != x:
all_known_triggers_use.extend([j[0] for j in v])
all_known_triggers_use = list(set(all_known_triggers_use))
These steps further boosted my performance to around 41, but I was still far from the top.
Looking at the compute limit for the challenge made me realize- I could run the experiment multiple times, and potentially benefit from the growing pool of successful trigger-trojan pairs instead of being limited to the 20 pairs given as part of the challenge. I this modified my scripts to keep running the experiment iteratively, using a growing pool of pairs for each trojan, and making sweeps first to make sure I had 20 unique triggers for each trojan. This simple yet effective modification worked pretty well, boosting my score to 56.
Knowing that GCG-based search has a tendency to produce unrelated trojans in the process (probably an artifact of how trojans were inserted in the training, probably pushing them close in some latent space), I decided to add an additional negative loss term to discourage generation of triggers that produced other triggers.
# Get loss from other trojans
other_trojans_losses = ch.zeros_like(losses)
counter_others = 0
for suffix_manager_other, tokenized_trojan_other in zip(suffix_manager_others, tokenized_trojans_other):
tokenized_trojan_other_use = tokenized_trojan_other[:, -ids.shape[1]:]
ids_this =[
ids[:, :suffix_manager._target_slice.start].cpu(),
tokenized_trojan_other_use.repeat(ids.shape[0], 1)], 1).cuda()
other_trojans_losses += target_loss(logits, ids_this, suffix_manager_other._target_slice)
counter_others += 1
# Normalize negative loss term
other_trojans_losses /= counter_others
other_trojans_losses *= -1
# Adding weighted negative loss term
losses += negative_loss_factor * other_trojans_losses
At this point, my ASR was close to 100, i.e. for all submitted triggers, the model generated the desired trojans. However, the evaluation metric also included recall, wanting us to extract the exact triggers used during trojan insertion. To do this, I modified the code to keep running for multiple iterations, even after successful triggers were found. Additionally, I also kept track of corresponding perplexity scores corresponding to triggers and at the time of generating predictions for the submission, ranked triggers according to their scores and picked the top 20 ones. Thus, at any given point, I had >20 (trigger, trojan) pairs to pick from, per trojan. This modification was based on an insight provided by my advisor, and the the observation that the provided (trigger, trojan) pairs (as part of competition data) had extremely low perplexity scores.
if len(triggers) > 0:
if x not in accurate_trojans:
accurate_trojans[x] = []
new_trigger_pairs = [(j, get_likelihood(model, tokenizer, j, x)) for j in triggers]
This modification did not increase my total score by a lot, but did increase recall from around 13 to 16 (but with slightly decreased ASR).
This was definitely a very fun and interesting challenge! I got to learn more about jail-breaking (via GCG) and trojan detection. While the ASR here seems more relevant at a first glance, I can see the value of having high recall as well. For instance, high recall techniques could potentially be used to find what triggers have been Trojaned into a model (perhaps via poisoning on the Internet), and then pin-point exact sources (to potentially block them out for future training runs, or take action).
My solution is available here: